Tuesday, November 18, 2014

End of Kindergarten

In May, Hollyn and I went to a Mother/Daughter Tea. We dressed up her American Girl Doll and she went with us. We went with several of our good friends and had a wonderful time together. Hollyn finished her Kindergarten year! It flew by so quickly!

I love this comparison picture of her on the first day of school and her on the last day of school. I hope to remember to do this every school year. It breaks my heart because in the first picture she still has a bit of a baby face, but she looks like a little girl in the second one.

 Hollyn had a speaking role in her Kinder Graduation Program. She was EXTREMELY nervous in the days leading up to the program and she did not sleep well the night before. Once she got on stage, she truly became comfortable and she was a true joy to watch. She spoke her line perfectly!

Hollyn became best friends with a little girl named Kaitlyn. They had a very sweet friendship all through the year. I was so thankful she found sweet friends this year. We hit the jack pot with her teacher, Mrs. Chapman. She was a perfect fit for Hollyn.  I could not be happier with the Hollyn's first year of school. I am so thankful that the Lord blessed her with the perfect conditions for her to make her first year of school so wonderful. One down and 12 more to go!!

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