Sunday, November 9, 2008

Night #2

If you are bored with these- tune in next week...
Last night I did nurse Hollyn before bedtime and she was in a drowsy sate. I put her in her bed and she tossed her head from side to side and stayed asleep! Not one peep! She slept for 7 hours without waking up! I went and got her at 5:00am and could tell that she was hungry (I know she still should be able to sleep longer without eating- but that is great for us- we will get there when I start moving her bedtime earlier) so I fed her and she was sleepy but awake. This is the hour of the morning when we have had the most drama. She is still tired b/c she needs about 2 more hours of sleep, however she is VERY difficult to get back to sleep at this hour and usually throws a fantastic fit. In my book (some of you are laughing) it says to not let them cry it out if it is past 5:00am, b/c they may be ready to get up for the day. I am still tired at this point, so I put her down (thinking I would come back and get her in a few minutes) and she crawled around a bit and began to fuss very mildly. I went to get a snack and that girl went back to sleep in LESS THAN 10 MINUTES!!! You have to understand this had NEVER before happened in 7 months! I began singing the Hallelujah Chorus in my head! I went back to bed but was so excited I couldn't go back to sleep!


Jennifer said...

That's wonderful!! I know you are so excited!
You said you know she should be able to sleep longer without eating, but I think it is perfectly normal for any child under a year old to still need to eat/nurse once a night. She may not be hungry, she might just be thirsty, or need a little comfort from sucking. So, don't be hard on yourself and make yourself think she should be sleeping 12 hours in a row without waking to nurse. I think waking just once a night to nurse is GREAT especially since she isn't even a year old yet.
Oh and don't you hate it when they're snoozing away and you can't go to sleep yourself!! I've done that SOO many times. I'm glad things are going good with it all!

Kylie said...

That is wonderful!! yeah!! And I agree with Jennifer. Not all babies can go 12 hours without nursing at all. If she can, great!! But don't be hard on yourself for nursing her in the night. The important part is her putting herself back to sleep which she is doing- hooray! :)

Melissa said...

Ok, wonderful! Now just let her sleep and see how long she goes. Then you'll know about how much she needs/and is capable of. Just sleep until she wakes up. Keep going, even if she has some off nights. Love u!

Jana said...

Yay! I'm so glad she has shown so much improvement this weekend! We will keep praying for you guys that Holly will continue to go to sleep on her own. Hang in there!