Thursday, January 8, 2009


Attention all women who do not work on Wednesdays:
I go to Bible Study Fellowship on Weds. I would love for anyone who is available to join in. It is from 9:10 to 11:10 every Wed. Children who are 3-5 can go too, and it is not just childcare. They teach the kids amazing things. We are studying the life of Moses this year. It is great fellowship, and very deep into God's Word. Let me know if you are interested. And for those of you who have heard rumors, no it is not a Christian cult or crazy strict! Pray about it and see if God leads you to it.


Alison said...

Yay for BSF! I just may get ambitious and do it this year. The church across the street from my house does it!

Nicki W. said...

my mil goes at that time:) i would love to go someday, maybe when little miss get old enough!