Dear Baby,
I can't believe that I am 20 weeks pregnant and haven't even blogged about you! So I thought I would write down a few things you may want to know when you grow up! I found out I was pregnant with you on April 19, 2012. Your dad and I decided that we did not want to tell anyone until we had seen you on the ultrasound. Being pregnant made me VERY sick right away. Your dad had to go to Chicago for work and I was so sick that I had to go stay with your Nana and Pops. They thought something really bad was wrong with me because I felt so horrible. I felt sick in ALL kinds of ways for about 15 weeks. I was much sicker with you than I was with your sister. I had a feeling that you were a boy from the very, very beginning. I had not blogged about you because for the first few months, I did a lot of laying on the couch and your sister would get into bags of candy and all kinds of mischief while I was snoring away!
I went to the doctor while your dad was in Chicago and got to see you! You were the tiniest little dot on a screen, but I could very clearly see your heart beating! It was a very special time for me and I was so excited about the next 9 months ahead! The doctor told me your due date was December 26th!! Merry Christmas little one!
We planned a Mother's Day dinner and had your Cici, Poppa Bear, Nana, Pops, Mimi, Aunt Mel Mel and Uncle Jamo over for dinner. We told Hollyn that we were having a baby right before everyone came over. She acted very quiet about it and didn't really want to talk about it. But by the time your family came over she was so excited and ready to tell the news. I wrote a poem in the grandmas' cards and then Hollyn announced it to everyone else. We REALLY surprised the whole family. It was a very fun night!
I am horrible about taking pictures and I will try to do better in the next few months! This is me at 12 weeks with you. I was yucky from working out. I am trying to work out when I feel like it to keep up with your sister!!
This picture is at about 19 weeks and it is the night before we found out what we were having! I will scan the ultrasound pictures and write about that very soon! It's a very neat story. I have started feeling pretty great now! Your dad and I went on a 5 day vacation to Key West when I was 18 weeks with you. I was able to walk a lot and EAT a lot and felt great the whole time. I am SO much more tired being pregnant this second time than I was the first time. I also am carrying you much higher than I did Hollyn and I already feel short of breath at times. This pregnancy just feels a lot different overall. I know this is just the beginning of ways that you will be so unique and different from your sister. We need to start thinking of names now because as of today you are officially half-baked! I will write more soon!"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the dark of the womb, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
Psalm 139:12-17
i am so excited to meet this sweet little boy!! you are going to be so head over heels in love with him you will not know what to do with yourself!! xoxo!!
Sweet post! If he doesn't enjoy reading it one day, his wife will! :)
I'm so excited for y'all and wait to meet him and see who he looks like. I know he will be adorable, just like Hollyn. I hope you are putting your posts into a keepsake book.
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