Hollyn turned 5 on April 13th!!! We decided to have a small party at a park this year. We got to celebrate on her actual birthday so she was excited. I can't believe it was five years ago that this Priss was born! We had perfect weather for a laid back party in the park. Here are the pictures!
Birthday Girl
We take the worst, squinty-eyed pictures outside! Hollyn looks cute though.
Party Favors
Lucy, Lorelei, Hollyn, Miles, Everett
I love this picture! Such cute kids.
I am not sure if he looks more gangster or old man in this hat!
Sweet Sadie
Dawson (With the most beautiful eyes I have EVER seen!)
The curly head twins
You have brought us so much joy and laughter over the past five years. I will never forget the night you were born. I can remember sitting in bed holding you in the middle of the night thinking, "I wonder what the future holds for us." I could have NEVER predicted what motherhood has looked like for me. I have never laughed as much or cried as often as I have over the past 5 years. God has blessed us so much and humbled me so much by allowing me to be your mother. Tears flow as I write this because I know that next year you will be in Kindergarten and not with me all day. You are truly turning into a little girl and I see God working in your heart all the time. You ask profound, theological questions that a lot of adults never ask. I can't wait to see what God has planned for you to do with that spunk of yours. There is a quote that I have read that fits you perfectly. "Profound statements roll from her mouth, much too mature and intellectual for her age. She remembers experiences you've long forgotten and drags you to the window to watch the raindrops falling like diamonds in the sky. On the good days, being the parent of a spirited child is astounding, dumbfounding, wonderful, funny, interesting and interspersed with moments of brilliance." I could not have said this any better. Happy Birthday Hollyn Claire!
1 comment:
Hollyn is such a cute birthday girl! It looks like she had a greta birthday! I love all the recent updates and pictures of your sweet kids!!
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