Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Current Events

 I know this picture does not look exciting to anyone else, but it does to the Bryants! That is our house being built! We've been in this duplex for over a year and so these board and pipes are a happy sight for my eyes! Our lot is very close to our duplex so we go check on it almost every evening. Hollyn loves running around in the dirt out there and the weather is perfect in the evenings. We are so excited! I hope it moves along quickly!
We signed this Birthday girl up for Kindergarten!!! (Insert ugly cry) I can't believe in 4 months she will be at school every single day. All day long! It will be major adjustments for all of us! We really prayed about where to put her for next year. We have made our decision, now I am just praying that her teacher will be a great match for her. 

I went to her pre-school school on her birthday. They were so sweet! Her teacher gave her a present and the principal even came in to pray for her. 

Hollyn and I took this selfie of her and put on Instagram. I know I am biased, but she's beautiful!

 The Brother and I have been running errands in the Baby Bjorn. He's a little beautiful too!

And this was the entertainment for the household on chilly night. I love it that my daughter is randomly wearing a bathing suit! I feel like I have been branching out and doing a lot of Pintrest recipes lately. I try to get Hollyn to cook with me in the afternoons because the child is a TV and IPAD addict!! I also do a lot of nursing and getting the buddy to sleep. I have been going to bed earlier than ever at this season of my life. My children tag-team me in the middle of the night. If it's not one, it's the other. Tis the season! And just for fun... my two babies at the exact same age. I think they look a lot alike!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Great pictures! How exciting about your house being built, yay!! And I want you to know how much in awe I am of your blogging lately, you are so good at posting. I cannot seem to form a sentence to blog about anything this year. ha! Having a 3rd kid has sucked all of my brain cells away.