Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer has begun!

 Little Brother found his toes this month! There is lots of grunting! I guess he can finally see past his rolls! I can't remember if I blogged this but he started rolling over from back to front around 2 months and then by 4 months he was rolling both ways all the time. This month he rolls off all the blankets I have strategically placed all over the living room floor. Yuck.
We started summer off with swim lessons. This year I wanted Hollyn to take for two weeks. The first week was WONDERFUL because she took when all the big kids were still in school. She and her friend, Coco, has a class all to themselves with 3 teachers. By the middle of the week Hollyn was swimming like crazy with no fear. She can even tread water for a bit. I am really proud of her this year. She has doggie paddled and swam with her head above water for 5 years now. She hated getting her face wet.  This was the summer that she decided to really truly swim and she loves it. 

Coco is one of her closest friends from preschool and it is so cute to see them talk together and play together. They hug when they see each other. I love it because up until this year Hollyn was fine playing with friends but fine not playing with them too. They were even giggling over a cute boy one day at swim lessons. Oh my.

 And this little buddy and I hung out in the car everyday for two weeks or went on a walk if it wasn't too hot. One day we sat and watched sister swim and he was happy, happy, happy. I love his chubs in this sleeveless outfit!
 We celebrated Daddy's Birthday over at Cici and Poppa Bear's house. Hollyn showed off her swimming skills and the buddy got to take his first official swim ever. He really liked it. He splashed like crazy! And this mama successfully dodged wearing a bathing suit and getting in the chilly water. It was a  fun evening!

 The last two pictures are of bath time! Oh, the cuteness!!!

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